How Woke Works and Why it’s Wrong

I just watched a clear interview with Calvin Robinson by Dr. Philip Kiszely in the series “The War On Our History – A Cultural Revolution”. You can find it at the end of this Post. It does us all the great service of taking “Wokeism” apart term by term, concept by concept, assumption by assumption and…… Continue reading How Woke Works and Why it’s Wrong

What Resilience? #1

British Telecom are about to turn off the communication link of last resort for thousands, if not millions of people in the UK. And with the OFCOM’s Regulator’s blessing!! Complete and utter Madness. The existing system works with analogue audio and phone power coming down each phone line from the exchange. When there is a…… Continue reading What Resilience? #1

Climate Con #3 : A Tale of Two Olympics – Pure Propaganda

The Climate Con machine has really excelled itself with the Olympics in Bejing 2022. The Chinese Communist Party decided to create the Winter Olympic near to Beijing, so convenient for everyone. No matter that the location was in a desert (less to clear) and had a climate normally without rain or snow in winter (a…… Continue reading Climate Con #3 : A Tale of Two Olympics – Pure Propaganda

Great News! Great Danes!

Well its not often that you have your faith in human nature restored, but that happened a few days ago. If you’ve been following my musings you will know that my faith in most professional scientists, particularly Government, University and Institutional ones is very low. The performance of the UK Pandemic Modelling teams is a…… Continue reading Great News! Great Danes!

Stop Science being Strangled by Politics

We DO live in exciting times don’t we! One of the main reasons this Contrarian started this site was to expose the naked fraud and censorship being imposed on Science. Poor science has been the battered victim of the Pandemic, mainly due to a Globalist endeavour by Policitians, Oligarchs and Big Pharma working in tandem…… Continue reading Stop Science being Strangled by Politics

Q&A #2 : What is Important for Success?

Query from MGF: What is important for success? Answer : That’s a very tricky and personal question, ultimately it depends on a host of things, like having a vision and the determination to realise it. The best I can do is to answer this in a general way by focusing on … People’s Basic Traits…… Continue reading Q&A #2 : What is Important for Success?

Covid-19 : Imperial Hubris – Reproducabiliy isn’t Correctness

Imperial College (an Alma Mater on mine) seems to be engaged in damage control after Prof Neil Ferguson’s consistently inaccurate modelling predictions regarding the Covid-19 outbreak. Their latest claim is that the results of their program CovidSim are “reproducible”. Well bully for them and that’s as maybe, but that doesn’t mean the results are correct,…… Continue reading Covid-19 : Imperial Hubris – Reproducabiliy isn’t Correctness

Covid-19 : This is one Angry Scotsman

Just a quick Post. You probably remember this gentle Scotsman from the BBC documentary called Coast, a wonderful trip around the perimeter of our Sceptred Isles. Well now he is a very angry man. I will not steal his thunder, this is a 24 carat rant … Neil Oliver … stand well back ……… Continue reading Covid-19 : This is one Angry Scotsman

Covid-19 : Jordan Peterson’s Review, Past and Future

Here is an interesting video of Jordan Peterson giving his opinions on how the Pandemic was handled by Governments. He like me was not impressed, hopefully you haven’t been either! It is a short and brilliantly neutral critique of the way the Pandemic has been mis-managed and how it has exposed other large scale agendas…… Continue reading Covid-19 : Jordan Peterson’s Review, Past and Future