The Censorship of Science

It is a sad day when you have to sit down and write a Post about corruption in science. In my naive and idealistic way I thought science was about enlightenment, debate, the fair competition of ideas and promotion of understanding and that the ‘Scientific Method’ was widely accepted as the gold standard for exploring…… Continue reading The Censorship of Science

Covid-19 and Censorship by High Tech Oligarchs

It’s pretty well known by now that channels like YouTube are continually monitoring content and self censoring to ensure it remains within their “Community Guidelines”. That is, anything they don’t like or doesn’t fit in with their business model gets removed, i.e. censored. Many commentators have left Youtube for other outlets such as Odyssey which…… Continue reading Covid-19 and Censorship by High Tech Oligarchs

A Contrarian View : Fever, Fluids and Food During Acute Infections

Here is a fascinating discussion between our stalwart Dr John Campbell and the delightfully laconic Stephen A Hoption Cann PhD who is the Clinical Professor in the School of Population & Public Health Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. After studying the way all the other members of the mammal family behave…… Continue reading A Contrarian View : Fever, Fluids and Food During Acute Infections

Covid-19 – New Strategy Long Overdue

Time has moved on and a new Covid-19 variant has moved in, Omicron. Although this is far more transmissible the severity of the illness it causes is very much reduced compared with previous strains. Now is the time to change the National Health Strategy to start treating the people who do not have Covid-19 proportionately.…… Continue reading Covid-19 – New Strategy Long Overdue

Vitamin D – Why Take it?

This is just a short Post to make you aware of a recent study on the effect and value of Vitamin D. The Youtube video below is by Dr John Campbell who generally provides clear, accurate and practical information on medical matters. Apparent Benefits of Vitamin D Here is the scientific paper, published in…… Continue reading Vitamin D – Why Take it?