A recent Freedom Of Information (FOI) request [FOI/2021/3240] to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) asking how many deaths have been due solely to Covid-19? So this excludes deaths of patients with co-morbidities like heart problems and obesity, quite common in those who died as their average age was 84 years.
The surprising answer was 17,371 ; about the same as for influenza !
There are various ways of measuring deaths:
1. Excess deaths over a 5 years average, that yields 127,704 deaths
2. Deaths within 28 days of a +ve Covid test yields 152,872 deaths
3. Deaths with Covid-19 and co-mobidities yields 172,233 deaths
4. Deaths solely from Covid-19 yields 17,371 deaths
The average age of death was 82.5 years and on average the lives of those dying were shortened by 7 weeks ! Those under 65 had 3,774 deaths and over 65 had 13,597 deaths. The average life expectancy of males is 79 years and for females 83 years.
Almost needless to say there was no mention of this for over a month on ANY of the mainstream media including the BBC and the Government.
It has been taken up now by GB News, in depth.
Here is the video about this by a rather shocked Dr John Campbell !
It will be interesting in a few years to look back on the period of the Pandemic. By then the ‘nascent’ excess deaths from the lack of treatment of General Medicine by the NHS will have become real and apparent. For example excess deaths from Cancer, Obesity, Diabetes, Stroke, Heat Disease. This Contrarian predicts that solely Covid-19 deaths will just be at almost normal winter levels, as influenza has been temporarily replaced by Covid-19. What will be surprising are the huge number of deaths attributable to lack of treatment, due to the Covid-19 strategy. What should have happened is what used to happen, protection of the vulnerable and isolation of the Covid-19 patients from the General medical system, i.e. isolation hospitals. Let’s hope the lessons are being learned, and all the excess costs counted and made public. Heads should literally roll.
Over £400,000,000,000 Pounds Sterling NOT well spent.