Stark Naked: The Woke Reformations

David Starkey is an historian, an academic, a commentator, a writer and a presenter of wonderfully insightful programs which make sense of events and situations by framing them in an historical context. He speaks plain English, and he speaks his mind. The Establishment Wokes hate him because his penetrating spotlight reveals their intellectual fragility and…… Continue reading Stark Naked: The Woke Reformations

How We Know the Climate Change – Global Warming Lobby Fakes the Data

Its a while since I posted anything on “Climate Change” and its human-made causes. However, the US Administration is still pumping out misleading information which misrepresents the actual data and situation. As usual it over estimates any changes and under reports data like snowfall extent. It was only a few years ago the Climate Change…… Continue reading How We Know the Climate Change – Global Warming Lobby Fakes the Data

Climate Change – Nothing To Worry About …

This Posts is based on the work of Dr John Christy who is a well established scientist, an expert in using radar from satellites to measure the temperature of the atmosphere. In this wonderfully clear presentation he demonstrates based on measurements that the propaganda on Climate Change regarding temperature rise, sea rise, hurricanes, tornados, disappearing…… Continue reading Climate Change – Nothing To Worry About …

The Censorship of Science

It is a sad day when you have to sit down and write a Post about corruption in science. In my naive and idealistic way I thought science was about enlightenment, debate, the fair competition of ideas and promotion of understanding and that the ‘Scientific Method’ was widely accepted as the gold standard for exploring…… Continue reading The Censorship of Science

A Good Way to Internalise Music

A Good Way to Internalise Music If you wish to play your instrument and make music more naturally and fluently then please invest 30 minutes of your life watching the video below by Dan Bennett about his concept of ‘Water Pianism’.  He gives a masterclass about the Water Pianism approach to internalising music and learning…… Continue reading A Good Way to Internalise Music

Covid-19 and Censorship by High Tech Oligarchs

It’s pretty well known by now that channels like YouTube are continually monitoring content and self censoring to ensure it remains within their “Community Guidelines”. That is, anything they don’t like or doesn’t fit in with their business model gets removed, i.e. censored. Many commentators have left Youtube for other outlets such as Odyssey which…… Continue reading Covid-19 and Censorship by High Tech Oligarchs

How Woke Works and Why it’s Wrong

I just watched a clear interview with Calvin Robinson by Dr. Philip Kiszely in the series “The War On Our History – A Cultural Revolution”. You can find it at the end of this Post. It does us all the great service of taking “Wokeism” apart term by term, concept by concept, assumption by assumption and…… Continue reading How Woke Works and Why it’s Wrong

COPout #3: Liquid Natural Gas Hypocrisy

Apologies for the lull of these COPout alerts, the spirit has been willing but the flesh has been a bit on the weak side … don’t worry there is plenty of ammunition for future Posts. In the aftermath of Mr Putin’s new concept of logic LNG, Liquid Natural Gas, has become all the rage these…… Continue reading COPout #3: Liquid Natural Gas Hypocrisy